The story centers around Sophie, a 40-year-old divorced mother, who unexpectedly falls in love with a much younger man, Hayes Campbell, a 24-year-old member of the world's hottest boy band. Their romance challenges societal norms and personal boundaries, exploring themes of love, desire, and self-discovery.
- Anne Hathaway as Sophie
- Nicholas Galitzine as Hayes Campbell
- Additional cast members include well-known actors who will portray supporting roles, but their names and roles might not be fully disclosed yet.
- Michael Showalter is directing the film. He is known for his work on "The Big Sick" and "Hello, My Name Is Doris."
- The screenplay is adapted by Robinne Lee, the author of the novel, ensuring that the film stays true to the source material.
- The film is produced by Amazon Studios.
- Anne Hathaway is also involved in the production alongside other producers.
Release Date
- As of now, the exact release date hasn't been announced, but it is anticipated to be released sometime in 2024.
- The novel, published in 2017, gained a considerable following due to its engaging storyline and complex characters. The film adaptation has been highly anticipated by fans of the book.
- Principal photography reportedly began in 2022, with various locations being used to capture the essence of the story.
For the most accurate and up-to-date information, it's advisable to check official announcements from Amazon Studios or the film's promotional materials as the release date approaches.
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